Fascinating developments at University College Hospital, London

Express Medicals’ CEO Dr Dan Hegarty and Chief Medical Officer Dr Steve Malleson paid a visit to the UCL Cancer Institute and Macmillan Cancer Centre, to learn more about the work of Professor Mark Emberton, who was recently awarded the OBE for his world-renowned research into the diagnosis and minimally invasive treatment of prostate cancer.

Express Medicals contributes funding annually to Professor Emberton’s research team which is making is making ground-breaking developments in the field of interventional oncology.

They were given a presentation by Professor Caroline Moore, who is the first female professor of urology in the country. In the course of the day, they learned about about state of the art parametric MRI scanning for prostatic cancer, the evolving potentials of using artificial intelligence in improving the interpretation of imaging, and the future possibilities of treatment through the development of immunotherapies.

They were also privileged to be introduced to two young scientists who are working on imaging techniques so advanced that they allow observation of chemical reactions within cancer cells.

The two professors and the teams of exceptional people working with them are truly at the forefront of world science, and we feel privileged to be associated with them.


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