Safety Critical Medicals

When safety matters

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Companies are obligated by the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) to ensure their workplaces and workflows are safe. 

If you have staff working in roles where ill health may compromise their safety, or that of those around them, those staff will need regular Safety Critical medical assessments. As an employer, you must be assured that employees in these roles are not suffering from medical issues, or undergoing medical treatment, that can impact their capacity. The specific risks include loss of consciousness, concentration, coordination or balance, or any impairment to their awareness, judgement, or mobility.

Who needs a Safety Critical medical?

Any employee who is undertaking work defined as safety critical.

What is Safety Critical work?

Safety critical work is defined by the Faculty of Occupational Medicine as “involving activities where, because of risks to the individuals concerned or to others, the employees need to have full, unimpaired control of their physical and/or mental capabilities…”

What is included in a Safety Critical medical?

A Safety Critical medical assessment includes:

  • A questionnaire covering medical history, mental health and wellbeing

  • Height, weight & BMI

  • Blood pressure and pulse check

  • Vision checks: distance, peripheral and colour

  • Urinalysis

  • A full audiometry assessment

  • General mobility

  • Alertness assessment

How is a Safety Critical medical undertaken?

A Safety Critical medical must be delivered face-to-face, with a trained Occupational Health Technician, Nurse, or Physician. Unfortunately, due to the need to physically examine the candidate, we cannot offer Safety Critical medicals remotely or via telephone. The appointment lasts around 30 minutes.