Occupational Health Referrals

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Occupational Health Referrals, or Management Referrals, exist to give management access to independent, expert clinical advice to help keep their employees safe, healthy, and productive. 

Why make a referral?

You may choose to refer your employees if they are having health issues that affect their work, if your employee is often absent for health-related reasons, or if they are returning to work following sick leave.

When companies make good use of Occupational Health Referrals, they reduce both presenteeism and sickness absence, and overall increase productivity.

Why choose Express Medicals for your OH referrals?

Express Medicals have been providing expert, independent occupational health advice to businesses for over a quarter of a century.

We are doctor-led, and our focus is on clinical excellence. We believe in making expertise accessible for businesses of all sizes, so we make it possible to discuss occupational health referral cases with an Occupational Health Physician at any time. 

How is a Referral undertaken?

Our expert nurses and physicians can meet with your employee in a way that suits their circumstances and time. We offer face-to-face appointments, and remote appointments via video call where appropriate.

How does it work?

  • Firstly, complete the referral request on our IMMS platform, or get in touch for a form to complete and return to us.

  • The form is reviewed by our clinical team and the case is triaged.

  • We meet with your employee, either in person or via video call, and discuss their case.

  • Your employee’s consent is gained to share the details of their assessment.

  • A thorough report is delivered to you, detailing our independent assessment of the case, and laying out recommendations for adjustments.

  • Our clinicians are always on hand to discuss the case further with you.

Wherever works for you

Occupational Health Referrals can be delivered via video call wherever possible, to minimise disruption and downtime