Health Surveillance

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A proactive approach to workplace health

We are experts in occupational health, providing health surveillance services to businesses across multiple industries.

Our doctor-led teams of experienced clinical staff ensure that your workforce remains fit and healthy, while helping you meet legal obligations. Services can be delivered at your site or at one of our 18 clinics nationwide.

Health surveillance assessments

Our health surveillance programmes are tailored to your organisation and industry. Whether your employees are exposed to noise, vibration, dust, or other occupational hazards, we provide the necessary medical assessments to detect early signs of work-related ill health.

Regular health surveillance can help prevent long-term health issues, ensuring compliance with regulations and keeping your workforce safe and productive.

Early intervention and risk management

Early detection of work-related conditions such as hearing loss, respiratory issues, or skin disorders can reduce absence rates and long-term health impacts. Our expert clinicians will identify any concerns and provide guidance on appropriate next steps, helping you manage risks effectively.

Learn more

Get in touch to schedule a health surveillance assessment.