Top tips for optimum health and wellbeing

If you’ve not already heard, this week is National Nutrition and Hydration Week. Here at Express Medicals, we aim to provide tips and tricks to keep you at your healthy best.

Did you know that in the UK alone, around 3 million people are at risk of malnutrition? That’s a staggering figure. So in order to prevent malnutrition and dehydration related illnesses and to ensure good health and well-being, we’re giving you advice to keep you tip-top.

What you can do:

  1. First and foremost, don’t skip brekky! Starting your day right with a nutritious breakfast kick-starts your metabolism. Furthermore, there are even studies suggesting it may be linked to weight loss! (ref).

  2. Choose wholegrain high fibre carbohydrates such as the humble porridge. Check here for ways to spruce up your morning oats.

  3. Variety is the spice of life – taste the rainbow and add multiple colours to your diet such as a Buddha salad bowl – find a delicious recipe here

  4. Aim to eat at least 5 portions of fruit and veg each day.

  5. Fish of the day – try to eat at least two portions of fish each week, preferably at least one oily fish such as mackerel or salmon. Lastly, make sure it’s sustainably sourced!

  6. Cut down on your saturates and on salt – Check nutrition labels for high fats and sugars and keep salt intake less than 6g per day.

  7. Keep active to maintain a healthy weight. Whether that’s taking a walk in your lunch-break, taking up a sport hobby or heading to the gym, it all contributes to that daily step count.

Last but not least, it is essential to drink water throughout your day. Aim to drink about 8-10 glasses or 1-2 litres if you’re drinking from a bottle.  Getting your daily dosage has been proven to increase brain power and boost your energy levels.  It promotes healthy weight management, flushes out toxins, improves your complexion, boosts your immune system and prevents pesky headaches.


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